The Application Process
Get the application:
Apply online using the Common Application, Universal College Application, EDU Inc, XAP, or online at the college’s website.
2. Complete the application:
Remember these tips when filling out any application:
• Follow directions
• Check you spelling
• Check your grammar
• Neatness and thoroughness
• Read carefully (e.g., County vs. Country)
• Write Legibly
• Proofread
• Review Tips for Applying Online
• Sign and date application where required.
3. Develop your resume:
Many college applications ask for information regarding out-of-school activities, awards, work and volunteer experience, and other “special” experiences you may have had. Rarely does the college application provide enough space to adequately (or neatly) respond to this category data. A short resume’ is a good way of addressing this issue while giving a college application an air of maturity and polish. Here are some suggestions you may consider. Title your resume’- activity summary so that admissions officers know what they are looking at. Some examples are: Resume’, Activities Resume’, Student Summary, and Background Highlights. Place this title at the top of the page. Always include your name, address, phone number.
4. Request two teacher recommendations (if required):
Request recommendations through at least 6 weeks prior to the application deadline. Counselors and teachers will have access to your resume and senior survey. Write the teacher a thank you note for writing your recommendation.
5. Write your essay (if required):
• Proofread for spelling and grammatical errors.
• Have another person review your essay.
• Adhere to essay writing tips
• Include the essay with your completed application
• Include your name and social security number on every page.
6. Be aware of testing requirements for each college:
SAT and ACT test scores are listed on the high school transcript. However, some colleges require SAT and ACT scores be sent directly from the College Board and/or ACT. The student must request these test scores be released to the colleges by contacting the College Board and/or ACT.
7. Meet the college's application deadline
8. Don’t Forget to fill out the FAFSA and/or additional financial aid forms because financial aid procedures can differ from school to school
9. Colleges will contact you for an interview (if required).