Counseling FAQ's
Q: Can I have a meeting with my new counselor to discuss placement and registration?
A: High School Counselors do not have access to the academic records of a middle school student. We are also VERY busy with our current students. We will be available for meetings in the fall when you become an Aggie!
Q: Will the AVHS counselor answer specific questions via email or phone calls?
A: High School Counselors cannot answer specific questions via phone or email. We are VERY busy with our current students. You best resource is your middle school counselor as well as this website.
Q: Can I change my placement in academic classes?
A: Please refer to the guidelines provided on the registration materials and the AVHS course catalog. These guidelines have been designed to maximize student success in all classes. Just as in college, there are certain prerequisites that must be met to ensure that a student is ready to take on the material and be successful in class. Challenge forms are available, but we caution students and parents to be very careful in overriding a teacher's recommendation. If a challenge form is submitted for a class, the student will not be able to leave that class for the academic school year, even if the student is not passing the class.
Q: Can I change my elective and guarantee that I will be enrolled in that class?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that a student will get his or her first choice of elective due to the number of students requesting the class and the number of spaces available for that class. Some courses are more popular than others and we may not be able to accommodate all requests. We will strive to always give a student his or her first elective choice, but will then move down to the 2nd or 3rd choice if necessary. It is VERY important to choose electives carefully for this reason. Giving alternative choices will assist us in placing each student in a course relevant to their interests. If no options are given, counselors will be forced to make placement choices as availability permits.
Q: Can I take summer courses for high school to free up electives?
A: AVHS is a 6 period school. We do not have the benefit of working from a block schedule. Students who wish to free up their schedule for electives can opt to take summer classes. It is NOT recommended to take any core classes. Some great options are Health and PE. Summer classes are held at school sites and/or online for a $100 fee per half credit. Students may only take 2 semester classes during the summer.
Q: Can I take weight training my freshman year?
A: No. All students must have completed PE I and PE II in order to take weight training. Even if a student takes PE I over the summer, the PE waiver will not show up on their transcript in time to qualify to take weight training.