Photography Cost
The photography class has a normal $50 fee for the CTE class. In addition to that fee, some equipment is recommended to ensure success in the program.
A DSLR camera the student can use. Most cost approximately $500 from a retail store, but students can probably find one cheaper used. If a student would like to borrow an AVHS camera, he or she will need to provide a $100 deposit. At the end of the year, $90 of that deposit will be refunded if the camera is in the same condition as when it was rented and never returned late. This camera is not to be kept at home, but can be checked out as needed.
A flash drive with at least 8 gigabytes storage - most of these cost $5 or less.
A card reader - These cost about $8 to $10
A 3-ring binder with 4 dividers.