AP Test Day
Pre-admission will be held before the exam. All students are required to attend. The time and place will be determined at a later date.
What NOT to bring to AP exams
Cellular phone, IPod or other MP3 player, pager or personal digital assistant (PDA). Leave them in the car, a locker or at home!
Books, compasses, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, or notes.
Scratch paper (notes can be made on portions of the exam booklets).
Rulers and straightedges (except if taking one of the Physics exams).
Computers (students with a computer accommodation will use a school machine)
Calculators (except if taking Calculus, Statistics, Chemistry or Physics).
Watches that beep or have an alarm
Portable listening or recording devices (even with headphones) or photographic equipment.
What to bring to AP exams
ALL STUDENTS MUST BRING several sharpened No. 2 pencils (with erasers) for all multiple-choice answer sheets.
ALL STUDENTS MUST BRING black or dark-blue ballpoint pens for completing areas on the exam booklet covers.
A snack and beverage for the 10-minute break.
A sweater, in case the room temperature is below your comfort level.
If testing in a location other than the audition, a watch WITHOUT AN ALARM (in case the exam room does not have a clock that you can see easily).
If taking Physics: a ruler or straightedge.
If taking Calculus, Chemistry, Physics or Statistics: A calculator that complies with the College Board Calculator Policy. Students are advised to borrow a 2nd calculator from a friend and/or bring replacement batteries to the exam.
Attendance, Arrival & Dismissal
Students are not required to attend classes on the day(s) of their AP exam(s). The attendance office will be notified of the excused absence(s) of students taking the exam(s). Students who decide not to take an exam or are ill on exam day must contact AVHS AP Coordinator by email to or phone 799-6660 ext 4306 before the start of the exam.
Students are required to arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to the exams: 7:30 a.m. for the morning administration; 11:30 a.m. for most afternoon exams (check the schedule for afternoon exam report times). Students are not dismissed until an exam has officially ended. Students should not ask to leave early if they finish before the end of the test, as their requests will be denied. Student’s who play a sport or have a job, are responsible for informing coaches or employers of AP obligations and making arrangements accordingly. Students taking two exams on the same day should bring their lunch as there will not be time between exams to buy lunch!