The ASVAB is administered FREE to interested eleventh and twelfth grade students and it is an excellent career exploration tool. It can help identify the student's interests and aptitude in the following areas: verbal, math, science and technical skills. When a student's score is interpreted, he/she will lean how their interests and skills relate to the demands of more than 400 occupations, helping students to identify suitable career options. Should students wish to use their results as part of an enlistment conversation with military recruiters, they can provide their scores to the recruiter. Taking the ASVAB in no way involves a commitment to the military. The ASVAB will be offered once during the school year.
According to the Official Site of the ASVAB, this test is “a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military”. (http://official-asvab.com/)
“ASVAB scores are used to determine if you are qualified to enlist in the military and to assign you to an appropriate job in the military.” (http://official-asvab.com/docs/asvab_fact_sheet.pdf)
Who takes the ASVAB?
It is recommended for 11thand 12th grade students who are considering a career in the military.
Is the ASVAB test optional or required?
The ASVAB test is optional. However, if your parents indicated on the ANNUAL RELEASE AND NETWORK ACCESS FORM to withhold Directory information from the military, students should not sign up for the test since taking the exam provides the military with student contact information.
What areas does the ASVAB test cover?
The test is comprised of 9 sub-tests:
General Science
Arithmetic Reasoning
Word Knowledge
Paragraph Comprehension
Mathematics Knowledge
How do I register for the ASVAB test?
Students must sign-up in the 1200 Counseling Office.
What do I do if I missed the ASVAB test?
The ASVAB test is only offered once per year. There is no make-up exam.
Test Location:
The ASVAB test will be administered in room 513. Students should arrive by 7:45 a.m. Students will be excused from class for the duration of the test.
What should I bring on test day?
Students need to bring their photo ID, #2 non-mechanical pencils, and an eraser. No electronic equipment is allowed in the testing room (No calculator, no cell phone, etc.)
How do I receive my ASVAB test scores? In the Spring, students will receive their scores at an interpretation session which is held in room 513. Students will be excused from class for the duration of the session.
For ASVAB prep visit uniontestprep.com/asvab