Community Service
Students in grades 9-12 may earn a maximum of one external credit for volunteering with an
approved community agency. Generally, the agency is non-profit. Sixty hours of volunteer work
earns .5 credit. One hundred twenty hours are needed to earn one (1) credit. Students are required to
submit a time sheet and summary of their experiences. Students may complete hours over the summer.
The Process
• The External Credit application (CCF-850 ) for each ½ credit must be completed and signed by the student, parent, counselor, and administrative designee.
• The counselor will send a parent approval letter which describes the community service credit.
• The parent must authorize this credit by signing the parent approval letter.
• The counselor sends an agency letter to the supporting community agency.
• The hours must be completed within the agreed upon time frame. The student keeps track of the weekly time sheet and turns it in with a completed summary sheet to the counselor or teacher at an agreed upon date.
• The counselor will turn in the CCF-850 form to the Registrar: Registrar will post the credit on the transcript using location code 998, course number 3520 and a “P” for passing as no letter grade is issued.
More information or to return your service hour record, you may contact your counselor.
Guidance counselors will direct students seeking credit.
Students must also have a Volunteering Student Time Sheet Form. This is to be filled out by the student and signed by the coordinator and organization where the student volunteers.
The Community Service Coordinator has authority to verify or deny hours served.
Code of Conduct and School Board rules apply while the student is performing community service hours.
Agency Requirements:
Agency staff sign off on the completed Volunteering Student Time Sheet Form.
Serving Hours:
Service hours earned during regular school hours require prior approval from the Community Service Coordinator.
Family members may not sign off on hours served.
Service to individuals must be conducted through and be verified by an eligible agency.
Hours that count:
United Way agencies, nonprofit agencies, Special Olympics, school volunteer programs, Chambers of Commerce, political action, nursing homes, hospitals, museums, libraries, and service club activities that provide benefit to the community.
School team managers are eligible for community service credit.
Eagle Scout project hours may be used for community service credit.
Hours that cannot be counted:
Regular meeting times for extra-curricular activities and clubs, any detention/work detail, court ordered service, church activity related to worship, school music or dramatic productions when used for credit, service performed for pay, babysitting, for profit organizations, veterinarian and physician’s offices.