Creating a Balanced College List
Reach School
A reach school is a college that you have a chance of getting into, but your GPA, class rank and / or SAT/ACT scores are a bit on the low side when you look at the schools profile. The top colleges in the country should always be considered reach schools, for the admissions standards are so high that not even perfect SAT scores guarantee acceptance.
Target/Match School
A target school is a college that you are very likely to get into because your GPA, class rank, and / or SAT/ACT scores fall right into the middle range when you look at the school’s profile.
Safety School
A safety school is a college that you will almost certainly get into because your GPA, rank, and test scores are well above average when you look at the school’s profile. Two-year community colleges are often considered good safety schools because most have open enrollment. Two-year colleges can also be a great way for families to save money, as they are less expensive than a four-year college and students will have the option to live it home. They are wonderful opportunities for students at every level of achievement.