Counseling Resources
Adelson Clinic
3661 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 64
702-735-7900 http://www.adelsoncliniclasvegas.com/
Substance Abuse
Sliding Scale
Behavioral Healthcare Options
702-364-1484 http://www.behavioralhealthcareoptions.com/
Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Bridge Counseling
1640 Alta Drive, Suite #4
Las Vegas, NV 89102
(702) 474-6450 www.bcalv.com/services
Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Medicaid/Insurance/Sliding Scale
Center for Behavioral Health
3050 E. Desert Inn #116 (702) 796-0660
3470 W. Cheyenne Road, Suite 400 (702)-636-0085
1311 South Casino Center Boulevard (702)-382-6262
Substance Abuse
Center for Compassionate Care
4131 Swenson St.
Las Vegas, NV 89119
(702) 796-3167 http://www.nah.org/center-for-compassionate-care
Grief Counseling
Sliding Scale
Center for Individual, couple and Family Counseling (UNLV)
4505 S. Maryland Parkway
702-895-3011 http://www.unlv.edu/cicfc
Mental Health
Sliding Scale
Compass Behavioral Health
4160 S Pecos Suite 17
702-396-3464 http://www.cbhlasvegas.com/ServicesProvided.en.html
Mental Health (Emotional/Behavioral)
Medicaid/Insurance/Low Cost Cash Pay
Community Counseling Center
714 E. Sahara Avenue​​
Las Vegas, NV 89104
(702) 369-8700 http://cccofsn.wix.com/ccc-new
Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Medicaid/Insurance/Sliding Scale
FACT (Family and Child Treatment)
6431 W Sahara Suite 200
702-258-5855 http://www.factsnv.org/FACT/HOME.html
Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Medicaid/Insurance/Sliding Scale
Harmony HealthCare
1701 W. Charleston, Suite 300
9140 W. Post Road, Suite 100
702-251-8000 http://www.harmonyhc.com/
Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Horizon Ridge Children & Adolescent Groups
Insurance, Medicaid (check to see if available)
H.O.P.E. Counseling Services
2810 W. Charleston #F53 Las Vegas, NV 89102,
(702)437-4673 (Hope). www.hopecounselingservices.net
Mental Health
Medicaid/Insurance/Sliding Scale
Human Behavior Institute
2740 S Jones Blvd.
702-248-8866 http://www.hbinetwork.com/
Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Medicaid/Insurance/Sliding Scale
Mojave Adult Child and Family Services
6375 W Charleston Blvd
702-253-0818 http://medicine.nevada.edu/mojave/locations
Mental Health
MonteVista Hospital
5900 W. Rochelle Ave.
(702) 364-1111 http://www.montevistahospital.com/
Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Seven Hills Hospital
3021 W Horizon Ridge Parkway, Henderson
702-646-5000 http://www.sevenhillsbi.com/
Mental Health, Substance Abuse
West Care
401 S. Martin Luther King Blvd
702-385-3330 https://www.westcare.com/
Mental Health, Substance Abuse
Medicaid/Insurance/Sliding Scale