Cyber Bullying
Signs of Cyber Bullying
Common forms of cyber bullying
Flaming and Trolling – sending or posting hostile messages intended to “inflame” the emotions of others
Happy-Slapping – recording someone being harassed or bullied in a way that usually involves physical abuse, then posting the video online for public viewing
Identity Theft/Impersonation – stealing someone’s password and/or hijacking their online accounts to send or post incriminating or humiliating pictures, videos, or information
Photoshopping – doctoring digital images so that the main subject is placed in a compromising or embarrassing situation
Physical Threats – sending messages that involve threats to a person’s physical safety
Rumor Spreading – spreading gossip through e-mail, text messaging, or social networking sites
What to do if you are being cyber bullied, there are some things you can do to protect yourself.
1. Don't delete the text, post, email, etc. Save it as evidence.
2. Don't reply. Sending an angry response will only make it worse.
3. Contact an Adult:
Your counselor
An assistant principal
Health Center counselor
A trusted teacher
Your parents
4. If the bullying includes a specific threat to yourself or someone else, contact the police.
How to prevent Cyber Bullying
If you see a friend sending a mean message, don't be an accomplice:
Don't encourage them.
Ask them how they would feel if they recieved that message.
If they won't listen, tell a trusted adult.
Hinduja, S., Patchin J. Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, 2009.
Preventing Cyberbullying Top Ten Tips for Teens
Responding to Cyberbullying Top Ten Tips for Teens
Smart Social Networking Fifteen Tips for Teens