ACT - The ACT is a widely accepted college entrance exam, taken in the spring of the junior year and then again in the fall of the senior year. It assesses high school students' general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work. The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas: English (75 multiple choice questions-45 minutes, mathematics (60 multiple choice questions-60 minutes), reading (40 multiple choice questions-35 minutes), and science (40 question-35 minutes). Each test yields a raw score, which is converted to a scaled score, 1 through 36. The composite score is obtained by computing the average of the 4 tests. The Writing Test (30 minute essay), which is optional, measures skill in planning and writing a short essay.
Students should report to the assigned test center by 8:00 a.m. which is listed on your ticket. You will NOT be admitted to test if you are late. Students taking the ACT (No Writing) with standard time are normally dismissed about 12:15 p.m.; students taking the ACT Plus Writing are normally dismissed about 1:00 p.m.
Remember students now provide a recent photo of yourself in order to complete your test registration.
Click here http://www.actstudent.org/ for the ACT test dates and to register online.
Remember that as a senior, the last test date to take the ACT is DECEMBER of your senior year!
If you think you qualify for a fee waiver please see your counselor in the counseling at least 2 weeks prior to the registration deadline date.