Freshman To Do List
Get to know your counselor. We are here to answer questions and to help you with your plans for graduation. If you need help, ask.
Check the counseling website periodically. Also keep up on your classroom web pages like Google School or Edmodo. And informed student is a successful student.
Make a time management plan. This is a very important skill to have in school. High school will have more homework and activities to balance - You need to be in charge!
Stay on top of homework and ask your teachers for help. They are here to teach you. If you do not ask, they will not know you need help. It is much easier to stay on top of your grade than try to catch up.
Get to know your teachers. They are here to help you.
Set short and long term goals. Discuss those goals with your parents and counselor. Setting a goal gives you direction and can enhance your motivation.
Play a sport, join a club, and do what you love here in high school. We have lots of groups and teams for you to be involved with. Be an active part of the Aggie community. The school will benefit and you will benefit.
Parents and Students: Check out this slideshow link from Family Education.com.