College Research
According to College Board searching for and applying to colleges is a stressful process. Students will find decisions easier to make if they have up-to-date and thorough information about the colleges they are considering — or ones they may not have yet considered. Learn as much as you can about schools that interest you to discover if they are right for you. You should learn a lot more than just whether or not they offer your possible major. Empower yourself by having the necessary information to make knowledgeable decisions. Fortunately, learning about colleges has never been easier. The information you should be looking for is usually just a click away. These websites will help in your decision making process.
A minus schools for B students http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities/a-plus
All About Colleges.com www.allaboutcollege.com/colleges/united_states/usa.htm
Brain Track http://www.braintrack.com/
College Atlas http://www.collegeatlas.org/college-rankings.html
College Board https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/college-search?navid=gh-cs
College Compass http://edonline.com/collegecompass/
College Data www.collegedata.com/
College Navigator http://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/
College Net http://cnsearch.collegenet.com/cgi-bin/CN/index
College Portraits http://www.collegeportraits.org/
College Prowler https://colleges.niche.com/
College Results on-line http://www.collegeresults.org/
College Score Card http://collegecost.ed.gov/scorecard/index.aspx
College View College Search www.collegeview.com/collegesearch/
Colleges that Change Lives http://www.ctcl.org/
Go see Campus http://goseecampus.com/college-trip-planner
Go to college Nevada http://gotocollegenevada.org/
Know how to 2 go http://www.knowhow2go.org
In Like Me: covering multiple topics related to college admissions process http://www.inlikeme.com
Match College http://www.matchcollege.com/
Peterson’s Planner www.petersons.com
Student Review http://www.studentsreview.com/
U –Can http://www.ucan-network.org/
Unigo http://www.unigo.com/
U.S. News & World Report www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/college/tools/brief/cosearch_advanced_brief.php