9th Grade
Freshman year in high school is a time of excitement and expectation. It is a time when young people discover who they are and more importantly, who they can become. The transition from middle school to high school is a big step in a young person’s life.
High School presents students with a variety of new opportunities and challenges. High schools are usually larger in size and students often find that the coursework is more difficult. High school students also find that they are expected to be more independent, more focused, and more responsible.
For the first time, students are taking courses that earn credits towards graduation. The grades they earn in their courses are also more important. High school grades will help determine the kinds of jobs they can get and the colleges they will be able to get into.
Most students feel excited and a little apprehensive as they start high school. Students will wonder if they will fit in, if they will like their teachers, and if they will be able to succeed in the courses they are taking. During this transition period it is important to keep the lines of communication open. Talk with your children and listen to what they say.
This website includes some tips for succeeding in not only the freshman year, but in high school in general. Please take time to read and reflect on these ideas. It is our sincere hope that all students will have a positive experience at AVHS. Everyone at Arbor View is excited about the upcoming school year and welcoming our incoming freshman. Parents, please encourage your child to study hard, be positive, take advantage of all AVHS has to offer and to strive for excellence in everything they do. Excellence is not an act, it is a habit.